419-238-9733 (Van Wert)
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Selling During the Holidays


Holidays are a time of joy and family. As the colder weather draws closer so do we, and the smell of fall wafts through the air. We tidy our houses, decorate for the festivities, and prepare to reunite with family once again.

Along with the fall and winter cheer, a few stigmas with the coming cold weather and the housing market follow. Many feel that the market slows down, and houses stop selling. While part of this is true the other half is very false. Cold weather does indeed slow the market, but houses still sell year round. There are always buyers that are moving because of work, family, or other reasons that need to find a place in the middle of winter, and this is very beneficial to the current inventory on the market.

With few houses on the market there are fewer opportunities available, and this makes for a seller’s market. Few realize, but this time of year with homes neatly decorated and organized awaiting family and friends to arrive is in the perfect condition to be shown and provide buyers the best first impression possible!

Upon first entering your home, the smell of pumpkin spice candles envelope the buyer’s senses, they see the festive decorations, hear soft music in the background, and envision their family celebrating on Thanksgiving or Christmas in “their” house. You are setting the mood in your favor, and putting your home at the top of their list. By utilizing the time of the year you can turn a slowed market into “your market”.


Blog Post Written by Warren J. Straley

Warren Straley